Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle elokuu 2016

elokuu 12, 2016

Lake Lure Flowering Bridge

My wife and I stopped by the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge (http://lakelurefloweringbridge.org/) this past Saturday (8/6). This is a favorite day trip destination of ours. As gardeners we always love to see what is blooming at the bridge and also look at any new additions. Furthermore, with the hundreds of flowers there is a constant diversity of insects and other critters around the bridge. A great place for some casual observation of native pollinators. If you are ever in the area of Western NC, this is a great little stop, right near the Chimney Rock State Park.

Julkaistu elokuu 12, 2016 05:27 IP. käyttäjältä nathaniellord nathaniellord | 9 havaintoa | 1 kommentti | Jätä kommentti

Weird Looks While Walking and Observing

I am particularly fond of urban wildlife and taking the time to observe the amazing diversity of living things that can be found in our neighborhoods and public spaces. As such I often go for walks and keep my phone camera ready for anything that interests me. While in many cases I can just grab a quick snapshot, there are some cases, especially with insects and often with mushrooms, when I need to get a lot closer or want to take a more detailed photos. On some occasions I am noticed by other people, who almost universally seem perplexed by what I'm doing. Case in point today, while taking a quick walk during my lunch break, and finding a nice clump of bolete mushrooms. As I am taking some photos a co-worker (clearly also on a break walk) comes up behind me and say"Hey Nathaniel?" While saying "I'm taking pictures of mushrooms" is definitely an explanation, I find that it does not necessarily make for any less of a look of bewilderment.

I should point out that while I'm observing in populated areas I work very hard to respect private property and also to let people nearby know what I am doing. Not only to hopefully put them at ease, but also on the off chance that they might find interest in the whole naturalist observation thing.

Julkaistu elokuu 12, 2016 08:02 IP. käyttäjältä nathaniellord nathaniellord | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
