Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle huhtikuu 2022

huhtikuu 12, 2022

Wind: God’s distributor

Right now the loblolly pine trees are producing pollen cones. The pollen cones are releasing pollen everywhere into the air! We took a video of shaking a pine tree branch in slow motion. It was amazing to watch clouds of pollen come out from it! But where does the pollen go? How does it know where to go? The pollen doesn’t just go to one specific spot, it goes everywhere! But if it is fortunate, some of the pollen may land on a seed cone and fertilize it. This would create a pinecone, which would in turn create pine seeds, which would in turn create more pine trees. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/110615610 (this is a picture of a pine tree branch with pollen cones.)

Do you remember the parable of the sower that Jesus taught in Matthew chapter 13? Both of these nature experiences have a similar story. In the parable of the sower, the sower cast his seed everywhere. Some seed landed by the wayside, others on the rocky path, some among the thorns, and a few fortunate seeds fell upon the good soil. In the same way some pine pollen landed on our cars, others in the creek, others in the yard, but some landed right on a pine seed cone so that it can be fertilized. In our pine pollen situation, what carries the pollen through the air? The wind of course! In the Bible Jesus likens the wind unto the Holy Spirit. He said, “‘ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.’” (John 3:8 NKJV) Every pine tree that is born exist because of wind-carried pollen. And every person who is born into the family of God is born because of the wind-like power of the Holy Spirit.

Friends, God has given us a job. In the same way that the pollen cones release their pollen, so we are to release the seeds of truth. The job of the Holy Spirit, who is like the wind, is to take those seeds to the people who need the most. It is our job to spread God‘s love wherever we are. It is up to the Holy Spirit to determine who will be won to Christ by our efforts. Some seeds will go right to peoples hearts, and others will be blown off to the wayside. Only the Holy Spirit, who is the wind, will guide those seeds of truth that we spread to where they need to go. And remember God gives a blessing to those who so beside all waters. (see Isaiah 32:20)

Julkaistu huhtikuu 12, 2022 11:01 IP. käyttäjältä prestonthomas prestonthomas | 1 havainto | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 17, 2022

Sweater also than Honey

“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; The statues of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes… More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, then much fine gold; Sweeter also then honey from the honeycomb. (Psalm 19:7,8,10)

A few days ago, I dumped some old, crystallized honey out in our driveway. I was assuming that it would attract quite a crowd of honeybees. And boy was I right! The next day I found 20+ bees piled all over the honey! They were there all day long! I actually covered some of the honey with gravel from our driveway because I didn’t want our dog eating it. But the gravel didn’t deter them. They pushed the gravel aside and dug right in to get a sweet sip of that honey! I was standing 2 feet away from them and they still didn’t budge. They were so glued to their honey that I don’t even think they looked up at me.

In the Bible, the psalmist David likened the law of the Lord unto the sweetness of honey. These bees were naturally drawn to the honey because of its sweetness. So we are drawn to the word of God because of what it means in our lives. It is sweeter to us than is honey. Look at the bees for example. They let nothing hinder them from getting to the honey. It didn’t matter if a pile of rocks was on top of it. It didn’t matter if I, an enemy, was standing right next to them. (Of course I wasn’t an enemy.) All day they constantly drank from this source. You may read God’s word and feel like it’s kind of boring. You may not realize what is so special about his law. But when you give your life to Christ, the word of God has a new meaning. It is your strength, your comfort, your guide, and your light. I’m not telling you to read God‘s word 24/7. But I am telling you to constantly rely on its promises day by day. Memorize the Bible verse by verse. And throughout the day you can repeat to yourselves the wonderful words of God. Remember spend time in God‘s word which is sweeter also than honey from the honeycomb.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 17, 2022 09:54 IP. käyttäjältä prestonthomas prestonthomas | 1 havainto | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti