Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle toukokuu 2022

toukokuu 6, 2022

Keep On Singing


Around noon time, in the heat of the day, I heard a Red-eyed Vireo singing his sweet melody without stopping. While other birds were hushed for their afternoon siesta, the Red-eyed Vireo kept on singing. It seemed as if he were not about to grow weary from singing! In fact, it actually kept him going throughout the day. It taught me a very important lesson; singing keeps us going throughout the day. But not just singing any song; singing praises to our Redeemer just like the Red-eyed Vireo. When you feel down, when Satan tries to discourage you, and when it seems like everybody else is sleeping, keep on singing! Think about when Paul and Silas were thrown in jail. Can you guess what they did? They sang! Their singing made a big impact on the other prisoners who were just focused on their pain. (see Acts 16) Don't focus on your pain; don't focus on the heat of the day; but focus on praising Jesus through song!

Julkaistu toukokuu 6, 2022 07:33 IP. käyttäjältä prestonthomas prestonthomas | 1 havainto | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Here I am, where are you?


When I first began to memorize bird songs, I remember being taught that the Red-eyed Vireo says, "Here I am, where are you?" It has stuck ever since! (Actually, it seems like the Red-eyed Vireo began to sing even more when I put those words with the song.) Those words, "Here I am, where are you?" made a big impression on me. I began thinking of how God calls us when we stray of the path of life. He simply says,
"Here I am, where are you?" As I began to reflect on this, I was reminded of the old hymn Softly and Tenderly. The lyrics go like this:
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me;
At the heart's portal He's waiting and watching,
Watching for you and for me.

Come home, come home,
Ye who are weary, come home;
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling, O sinner, come home. ~Will. L. Thompson

If you feel that you are wandering away from God, ask Him for forgiveness. His arms of love are open wide!
So this is you challenge: Every time you hear a Red-eyed Vireo, rededicate your life to God and tell Him that you are coming home!

Julkaistu toukokuu 6, 2022 08:32 IP. käyttäjältä prestonthomas prestonthomas | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti