Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle syyskuu 2022

syyskuu 30, 2022

Houghton Garden Walk

Today I walked to Houghton Gardens. I met with people in the biology including two amazing TAs (they seemed nice). The walk to the gardens was lovely. The weather was slightly chilly on the way there, the wind added to the chill. Eventually the clouds opened up and the sun warmed me up. The walk was a short walk about 5 minutes away from upper campus. The garden was really nice and secluded. I would have never found it if the TAs did not show me. The garden had a short walk in it. The shade of the trees made for a nice cool walk. There was a pond that the walk went around. There was a lot of fungi in the garden. The wildlife was chipmunks. The walk back was a really nice neighborhood with well landscaped gardens and lawns. It was a contrast from the natural land around.

Julkaistu syyskuu 30, 2022 04:24 IP. käyttäjältä rochellc rochellc | 5 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
