Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle lokakuu 2022

lokakuu 4, 2022

Houghton Garden Walk v2

Today I went on another nature walk to the Houghton Gardens. I really loved the last walk last time and I wanted to go again. I saw a lot of fungi last time so I thought it would be great to walk there again. It's cool seeing fungi now knowing the earliest ancestor existed about 440 Ma. The walk today was nice and chilly again. The whole time it felt like the rain was going to start, so there was a sense of urgency to walk fast. I saw two classmates on the walk. With one of them, we collaboratively helped each other out to where the fungi were. I had trouble finding fungi at first but I feel like I found a nice diverse set of them eventually. I saw some squirrels and some cool-looking pinecones. I walked back to campus in hopes of finding a couple more fungi and I was lucky to find two more. The rain did not start during the walk so it stayed at a nice cool temperature the whole time.

Julkaistu lokakuu 4, 2022 06:56 IP. käyttäjältä rochellc rochellc | 7 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

lokakuu 19, 2022

Webster Woods Nature Wock

Today I walked to Webster Woods. The weather today was cold and windy but the sun was out bringing a nice warmth. It was a nice, cool fall day. The leaves in all the trees but the evergreens were vibrant colors of orange, red and yellow. The leaves were crunchy. My goal was to find plants that were Bryophyta, Polypodiopsida, and Gymnosperms. Since I was looking for mosses, I noticed the domination of mosses in moist environments, both in nature and the landscaped gardens of the houses surrounding the forest. I found pinecones from a pine which now I know are sporophyte dominant.

Julkaistu lokakuu 19, 2022 04:06 IP. käyttäjältä rochellc rochellc | 7 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
