Ulundia madagascariensis (Signoret 1860)

The specimens from Southern Africa have been described as Ulundia decisa, but this is regarded a junior synonym of U. madagascariensis by Medler 2001.
This species has been described under several genera.

Medler gives a diagnosis of the species in:
Medler, J. T. 2001. Review of Flatidae in Southern Africa, with keys and descriptions of new species (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Contributions on Entomology-International 4
Body pruinose/fuscous, sometimes dusted with white wax. Tegmina dark with lighter contrasting markings on costal margin and claval suture.

First description in:
Signoret, V. 1860. Faune des hémiptères de Madagascar. 1ère partie. Homoptères. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris. (Ser. 3) 8
Translated from French:
Yellow, with the cubital portion, a basal macula, a discoidal one and the tip of the tegmina brownish.

Description & illustration in:
Melichar, L. 1902. Monographie der Acanaloniiden und Flatiden (Homoptera) (Fortsetzung). Annalen des K. K Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Wien 17
Translated from German:
Yellow-brown or dark pitch-brown, the costal margin and the corium-clavus suture lighter in color. Frons as wide as long, almost slightly wider, yellowish, with three distinct sharp abbreviated carinae, of which the outer ones are curved. Clypeus yellowish. Pronotum and scutellum yellow-brown or pitch-brown, without carinae. Tegmina pitch brown, the costal margin and the clavus-corium suture lighter in color. Two subapical lines, which connect with the costal veins. Hindwings infuscated smoky brown, with brown veins. Abdomen and legs yellowish.

Description & illustration of Ulundia decora (p. 250 and tab. 23, fig. 1)
Distant W. L. 1910. Cercopidae concluded, Jassidae with additions to the Fulgoridae and many new genera and species. Insecta Transvaaliensia. A contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa 10

Genus Ulundia:
Vertex narrow, transverse, transversely impressed near base, eyes projecting backward beyond the anterior lateral margins of the pronotum; face much broader than long, basal margin a little roundly truncate, moderately narrowing to clypeus, centrally longitudinally carinate, the lateral margins deeply broadly impressed; clypeus nearly as long as face; pronotum longer than vertex, anteriorly truncate, posteriorly strongly angularly concave; mesonotum more than twice as long as pronotum, somewhat faintly tricarinate, the disk flatly elevated; legs of moderate length, femora a little thickened, tibiæ sulcate; tegmina twice as broad as long, the costal margin arched at base and sinuate before apex, apical margin roundly truncate, posterior margin distinctly sinuate at apex of clavus, radial vein raised, thickened, prominent, two transverse series of veins on apical area, enclosing two series of longitudinal cells, outer area of corium more or less transversely veined; wings broader than tegmina, a transverse vein before apex.

Ulundia decisa, sp . n.:
Body and legs tawny-brown; eyes piceous ; abdomen above more or less greyishly tomentose; tegmina brownish-ochraceous, pale ochraceous on costal membrane and radial area and near base and with a large central discal piceous suffusion; wings slightly fuliginous, the veins distinctly darker; clavus finely and mostly darkly granulose and a cluster of small dark granules beneath the radial vein, a small black spot at apex of clavus; structural characters as in generic diagnosis.
Long. excl. tegm. 6 millim. Exp. tegm. 15 to 17 millim.
Type locality: Natal

In Southern Africa recorded from South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe.

iNat observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/14738895

Julkaistu maaliskuu 16, 2024 01:05 AP. käyttäjältä traianbertau traianbertau


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