Scedella caffra (Loew 1861)

Genus Scedella:
Description in:
Munro, H.K. 1957. Trypetidae. Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-5. Vol. 2(9)
Head short, 2 lower orbitals; labella about half length of mouth-opening; dorso-central behind suture, about one-third distance to anterior supra-alars; 4 long scutellars; wing-pattern sometimes reticulate, more usually reticulate-banded, typically a band over both cross-veins and an apical dark area (band) separated by a more or less complete pre-apical hyaline band, the subapical row of spots from tip of vein 2 to tip of vein 4 not developed, but always a spot below vein 2, a moderate to large apical spot, absent in one species, sometimes a broad band along costa and around end of wing; pattern may be darker and heavier, if reduced it is not possible to decide whether derived from banded or reticulate form, vein 3 bare above a few setulae below. Abdominal tergal spots well developed; oviscape variable in length, more often long.

Scedella caffra is distinguised from congeners in Southern Africa by the wing pattern: Stigma black, with a broad hyaline spot at base; wings with a distinct dark band, which includes several hyaline spots, across the middle, apical hyaline spot much narrower than the space between the ends of the 3rd and 4th longitudinal veins.

Original description & illustration of wing in:
Loew, H. 1861. Über die afrikanischen Trypetina. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 5
Gray, head, scutellum, and legs yellow, the sides of the scutellum and the basal half of the femora are black, the proboscis is geniculate, the wings are hyaline, the large apical spot, the middle transverse band and the small subbasal spot are decorated with black-brown clear drops, the rest of the part is marked with scattered black-brown spots, the third longitudinal vein is bare.

Redescription & illustration of wing in:
Munro, H.K. 1957. Trypetidae. Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-5. Vol. 2(9)
Frontal stripe not strong, but usually distinct; dorso-central stripes on thorax strong, median weak; dorso-central bristles about half-way between suture and anterior supra-alars; femora black, occasionally only hind pair; wing-pattern darker with more distinct bands, apical hyaline spot variable, moderate, sometimes large or may almost vanish, hyaline spot in stigma usually full width, or reduced to a small costal spot or with a smaller spot below; legs yellow, all femora black on basal half or more. Oviscape short.

Distribution: Burundi, Uganda, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa

Biology: Larvae develop in flower heads of Asteraceae (Adenostemma viscosum, Vernonia spp).

iNat observation:

Julkaistu maaliskuu 16, 2024 11:27 AP. käyttäjältä traianbertau traianbertau


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