Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle maaliskuu 2020

maaliskuu 16, 2020

So many places to observe in Meriden!

I love an excuse to get outside and observe nature. Sure, I like to go for walks, but ever since I joined iNaturalist a few years ago, I have become much more in tune to the diversity of life around me. I like taking walks with a purpose, and my purpose is to see what I can find that is new to me. I usually can be found with my phone, camera, and binoculars.

If you're new to iNaturalist or to this project, welcome! Meriden has many places to observe nature, including Hubbard Park, Giuffrida Park, Hanover Pond, and the Red Bridge and Hanover Pond Trails. We have other smaller ponds, such as Baldwins Pond, Beaver Pond, and Bishops Pond on Research Parkway. We also have the Meriden Green, which I personally need to spend more time visiting with an eye on birds and insects especially. We have many other little parks throughout the city. We have Mountain Mist. We have cemeteries. We have our own backyards.

One of my long-term goals is to establish a pollinator pathway here in Meriden. As part of that, I hope to get people interested in planting more native plants and shrubs. Once you start observing life in your backyard, you might find you are more willing to plant natives.

Contact me with questions. I hope you have fun using iNaturalist! Maybe I'll see you on the trail sometime.


Julkaistu maaliskuu 16, 2020 02:18 IP. käyttäjältä kellyfuerstenberg kellyfuerstenberg | 1 kommentti | Jätä kommentti