Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle maaliskuu 2021

maaliskuu 4, 2021

3 days - 99 members, 43 have reported something, 2000 observations, and over 700 species !?

Wow, you are amazing! Look at that! This is a record, for sure.

Black-capped chickadee in the lead, pulled away a bit from the greenshield lichen. White-tailed deer not far behind...

I want to thank Sara Rall for all her observations (for those that don't know, Sara has the record of the most observations in New Jersey on iNaturalist). We also have people from Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, and The Netherlands. There will be more countries on the list.

You are all incredible. Now, get those tiny things identified, and let this balloon to record levels. This is an amazing beginning.

Take care! /Lena

Julkaistu maaliskuu 4, 2021 03:26 AP. käyttäjältä vilseskog vilseskog | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

maaliskuu 8, 2021

And the observations are flowing in... 1 week, 4200+ observations, 1300+ species, and more participants than ever

...and these numbers are despite that we here in New Jersey and northwards still have frost and snow and spring has been hesitant. Very lucky we have you in Georgia, North Carolina, Australia, Texas and other warmer places to keep us going fast. Just wait, we northerners will catch up with you, we just need some more heat and sun... it is coming, do not despair!

A few reminders - only observations from 1 March - 15 May 2021. Only wild and naturalized (nothing planted, nothing cultivated and no pets - BUT you can include humans and wild things that show up inside your home). Tracks, shells and feathers and such are OK. If in doubt, ask using the mailing list, the FB group, or message someone in the leadership team (marked as curator on iNaturalist).

We are aiming to break last years record, also during a pandemic. Can we do it? We will see... Every observation counts, and every little species matters.

Happy iNatting!


Julkaistu maaliskuu 8, 2021 01:42 AP. käyttäjältä vilseskog vilseskog | 3 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

maaliskuu 17, 2021

Already record breaking - more participants than ever!

We are 17 days, 2.5 half weeks into this years Personal Bioblitz and we are aiming to break last year's number of 25 000 observations and over 4000 species, and we are on our way. We have already more participants than ever before (thank you!). With over 10 000 observations already, and many more weeks to go on the bioblitz, and over 2000 species while New Jersey still had snow flakes yesterday, I predict (but will not promise, yet), that this will be a record breaking year. We need all your little obscure species, and the common ones too (has Homo sapiens been reported yet?). We need all your observations too, even if they are all dandelions or starlings - it counts! Keep the species coming, and remember to join the Facebook group or the mailing list, if you want.

Happy iNatting! /Lena S

Julkaistu maaliskuu 17, 2021 11:39 IP. käyttäjältä vilseskog vilseskog | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti