Taxonomic Merge 31035 (Tehty 26-07-2018)

iNat doesn't have a regional taxonomic authority for this area.

The Plant List lists Calia secundiflora as a synonym. The Plant List accepts both Sophora secundiflora and Dermatophyllum secundiflorum, so it will have to be ignored.

Plants of the World Online accepts Dermatophyllum.

SEINet accepts Dermatophyllum.

See "Dermatophyllum, the Correct Name for Calia" by Gandhi et al. 2011 which says:

"It is considered distinct from Sophora sensu stricto by the following suite of characters: woody habit; thick, coriaceous leaflets; blue, violet or white flowers; calyx with obvious teeth or lobes; flattened to terete legumes; and a geographically restricted range. This distinction is supported by molecular data ... Resurrection of this generic name followed a debate about the availability of Calia Terán & Berland. for this genus.

In early 2010, a question on the status of the parahomonyms Calea L. (1763; Asteraceae) and Calia Terán & Berland. (1832; Fabaceae) was submitted to the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants for a ruling whether these two generic names are confusable. By a majority vote, the Committee concluded that these two names are confusable and that Calia is to be treated as a later homonym (Brummitt, 2011: 231–232). The Committee’s voting was approved by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress, held at Melbourne, Australia, in July 2011...."

Lisännyt bouteloua maaliskuu 10, 2018 02:17 IP. | Tallentanut bouteloua heinäkuu 26, 2018


@kueda @foresterbabberney @sandboa @sambiology any thoughts before I commit this one?

Lähettänyt bouteloua yli 6 vuotta sitten

Sounds like it comports with our policies, but we'll want to delete if you commit this.

Lähettänyt kueda yli 6 vuotta sitten

It breaks my heart because I know the plant as Sophora, but yep, I think it's a legit change. Commit the heart-breaking taxon merge. :)

Lähettänyt sambiology yli 6 vuotta sitten

Whoops, forgot about this one. I added a snippet about "why," deleted @kueda's other taxon swap, and committed it.

Lähettänyt bouteloua melkein 6 vuotta sitten

Thanks for committing this change, cassi. I am inconsolable and weeping because of the loss of "Sophora secondiflora" - a favorite of mine to say.

I guess I'll have to get used to "Dermatophyllum secundiflorum." Ugh.


Lähettänyt sambiology melkein 6 vuotta sitten

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