Projektin Reptiles and Amphibians of California Päiväkirja

Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle tammikuu 2019

tammikuu 2, 2019

Desert Tortoise Emergence Season Kicks Off.

Desert tortoises observe brumation, a reptilian hibernation, in the colder months. But they emerge from their burrows when things begin to warm up, and that emergence is the basis for local contests for area schoolkids.

Julkaistu tammikuu 2, 2019 01:49 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

tammikuu 6, 2019

Climate Change Could Turn Over 90% of Green Turtles Female by 2100.

Due to an unusual biological trait of turtles, warmer temperatures can affect the resulting gender of turtle hatchlings. Currently, about 52 percent of hatchling green turtles, one of the seven sea turtle species, is female but that number could grow into an overwhelming majority of females as temperatures rise around the world.

Julkaistu tammikuu 6, 2019 09:26 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

In defense of snakes and lizards in Southern California.

Spring is coming. So snakes, lizards and turtles — all are reptiles and vertebrates (that means they have backbones) — will be out in force as early as March. Any spate of warm days could awaken these leg-less creatures from hibernation. Snakes could be roaming farther from burn areas this spring in search of a new food supply, say ecologists.

Julkaistu tammikuu 6, 2019 09:34 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

tammikuu 15, 2019

Mojave rattlesnakes’ life-threatening venom is more widespread than expected.

The Mojave rattlesnake, living in the deserts of the southwestern United States and central Mexico, is characterized by its lethal venom that can either shut down your body or tenderize your insides. Clemson University researchers say which one depends on where you’re located.

Julkaistu tammikuu 15, 2019 12:49 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Idled farmland presents habitat restoration opportunities in San Joaquin Desert.

A new study led by researchers at UC Santa Cruz looked at the conservation potential of marginal farmland in the San Joaquin Desert and found that restoration of fallowed farmland could play a crucial role in habitat protection and restoration strategies for the blunt-nosed leopard lizard and other endangered species.

Julkaistu tammikuu 15, 2019 11:34 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

There’s good news for endangered sea turtles and marine mammals.

Under natural conditions, only about one in 1,000 baby sea turtles survives to adulthood. They are tiny, after all, and the ocean is vast. Add to that threats caused by human development and habit degradation—the eggs are delicate, sensitive to light, sound, and touch—and these gentle beings have become endangered in many places.

Julkaistu tammikuu 15, 2019 11:42 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

tammikuu 17, 2019

Frog invasion has homeowner a little freaked out.

DEAR JOAN: I just moved into a house that backs onto an open field that is infested with frogs from January through September.

We find them on the handles to our front doors and garage, and hopping into our house. It’s really bad. I was going to install a new fountain but I am storing it in the garage instead, in fear it will attract more frogs.

Can you share anything that might help us control them and keep them away from our yard and house?

Julkaistu tammikuu 17, 2019 12:43 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti