Projektin Reptiles and Amphibians of California Päiväkirja

Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle helmikuu 2019

helmikuu 6, 2019

Traffic Is Driving A Newt Massacre in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

Citizen scientists tracking roadkill on Alma Bridge Road have found thousands of dead newts this season.

Julkaistu helmikuu 6, 2019 08:02 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Final Recovery Plan Released for Endangered Southern California Frog.

“With so few of these frogs left, it’s a relief to finally have a plan in place to help them survive,” said Jenny Loda, a Center biologist and attorney dedicated to protecting rare amphibians and reptiles. “Non-native predators and pollution are the major threats, so this plan is a big step toward saving these remarkable little creatures from extinction.”

Julkaistu helmikuu 6, 2019 11:50 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

helmikuu 19, 2019

Passion for newts drives her mission to save them.

More than 2,695 California newts have lost their lives this winter along a 6-mile stretch of a rural road, their small colorful bodies flattened like discarded banana peels.

Julkaistu helmikuu 19, 2019 03:36 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

helmikuu 23, 2019

Snake eyes.

The short version goes like this: higher primates, including humans, owe our marvellously acute vision and ability to sense incoming peripheral dangers to ... snakes. That's right, snakes.

Julkaistu helmikuu 23, 2019 02:02 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti