Projektin Reptiles and Amphibians of California Päiväkirja

Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle elokuu 2017

elokuu 1, 2017

1.8 million California acres were set aside for frogs. Ranchers say decision ignores them.

Tiny frogs and toads used to swarm over the Sierra Nevada. Now, the government says nearly 2 million acres of land needs to be preserved to prevent them from going extinct.

Julkaistu elokuu 1, 2017 02:46 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 2 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

elokuu 2, 2017

Pen in Hand: Afraid of snakes? Don't worry, Red Racers vanish before you have time to be alarmed.

Even though almost all North American snakes avoid humans when given the chance, occasionally you can encounter ones like Great Basin Gopher Snakes, California Kingsnakes or even rattlesnakes that get discovered before they can vanish. That doesn't happen very often to the Red Racer, a snake so fast that they can quickly disappear even if you do see them before they see you.

Julkaistu elokuu 2, 2017 11:10 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

elokuu 14, 2017

The color of people's clothing affects lizard escape behavior.

The color of T-shirts people wear affects escape behavior in western fence lizards, according to a study published August 9, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE.

Julkaistu elokuu 14, 2017 10:13 AP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 2 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

elokuu 18, 2017

100 Green Sea Turtles Are Thriving in This Polluted California River.

Winding through Long Beach, Calif., the murky San Gabriel River contains trash, the runoff from a flood channel and the outflow from two power plants.

Julkaistu elokuu 18, 2017 01:18 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

California Endangered Species Protection recommended for Cascades frog.

Officials said Cascades frogs have been lost from most of the mountain lakes and streams of Northern California where they once lived, primarily due to disease and introduction of nonnative fish.

Julkaistu elokuu 18, 2017 01:26 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

elokuu 23, 2017

Invasive grasses choking desert tortoise.

Desert tortoises are dying at alarming rates, primarily due to invasive species of grass, especially red brome and cheatgrass. Foreign to the Mojave Desert, these grasses are not as nutritious to tortoises as their normal forage.

Julkaistu elokuu 23, 2017 03:49 IP. käyttäjältä biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti